
Showing posts from November, 2017

Corporate Training Solutions—A Need Of Time

Since the rise of the internet, online industry has boomed and grown at an unimaginable scale with snowballing effect, which means it has given a rise to unlimited opportunities and possibilities. Online training is one of the major beneficiaries of the internet, which has made the life of business owners easy when it comes to corporate training and development. Well, the thing is no one wants to live in the past and follow outdated or obsolete methods to grow their business because old-fashioned approaches won’t yield any productive outcomes at all. Instead, it would make the situation of the company awful, which may even kick the business out of a competitive race. In simplest terms, you can say that online corporate training is the need of time as the corporate industry has taken a complete 360degree shift to modern corporate training solutions. If anyone is to blame something for this dynamic shift then that would the fierce competition that exists in modern times. The s...

Corporate Training and Development Programs—Effective Evaluation & Training Strategy

Statistics have long been showing positive trends towards employee training and prove that organizations around the globe have been investing heavily in corporate training and development programs . Nearly $150 billion has been spent by US-based companies on different corporate training programs in the first two quarters of the year 2017 with an incremental increase by 14% every year. This means that companies are showing their serious concerns towards employee training and branding for increasing or enhancing their overall productivity and performance.  But do these training programs produce significant results or outcomes or are they really effective to bring positive changes in employee attitude and work behavior? I believe retention of ideas and sharing of knowledge in the most epic tone and manner is vital to a successful training session. So, the corporate training development programs must be thought-out and designed in a way that suits your training objec...

Corporate Online Auditing and Governance Training Programs in UAE—Making Training More Exciting and Flexible

Annual or semi-annual training and development programs are common in many organizations. They aim to enlighten employees and provide adequate insights into the corporate management industry with recent trends and developments. Unarguably, conducting in-house training have become extremely challenging over the years due to increased competition which has led companies to focus primarily on sales and profits. And even some of the companies which are left are spending little or no attention on corporate training programs. However, some of them under moderate conditions have adopted and embraced corporate online auditing and governance training programs for increasing the productivity of their workforce. Image Source: Training, which is considered the backbone for company’s survival in strategic terms is being compromised on a massive scale across the globe. The main reason that is believed to have made such a change is the employee turno...

Business Consultancy Services – The Difference between Commercial Success and Failure

Businesses operate in an environment that is highly dynamic and inter-dependent on many levels. In this context, there are the external factors and internal factors. External factors are some beyond the direct control and influence of the business. Internal factors are within control and influence of the business. Entrepreneurship is then no easy task as strategy has to be aligned in accordance with the peculiar internal and external factors. This is one reason why on a global and even regional scale, sole traders and partnerships rarely function. The decision-making has to be a comprehensive and reasoned task. Now, in a different locality, this task is further complicated owing to vacuum between managements’ ignorance of environment and local conditions. This is where business training services can play a pivotal role. (Image Credits: Rarely anyone on the planet can claim to possess absolute knowledge about everything, unless it be divine. Entrepreneurs...